Gutenberg: The Future of WordPress Development

Luray I

(This is a full-day training class that requires a separate ticket to attend.)

Gutenberg is a new UI framework for WordPress which will power the post editor in version 5.0. It is perhaps the largest change to the WordPress content editing experience in WordPress’s history. How you develop custom WordPress sites for clients, as well as WordPress plugins and themes, is changingfor the better.

For the internet’s most popular CMS, everything is a block now. What does that mean, how do you develop your own blocks and integrate them with your theme or WordPress-powered app?  Learn everything you need to know to develop for WordPress the new, more fun way. Here is what you will learn:

  1. What is Gutenberg? Why is it the future of WordPress development?
  2. What is a block? Learn the technology and terminology.
  3. How do you build a block? From “hello world” to basic blocks with editable data.
  4. How do you make blocks dynamic? Building more advanced blocks with the WordPress REST API and Redux.

Gutenberg is a JavaScript-driven interface that communicates with WordPress via the REST API. This workshop is for all PHP/JavaScript developers but will focus primarily on JavaScript.
